
Friday, July 16, 2010

Ayurvedic concept of physical health revolves round three dosas namely –vata,pitta&kapha hence called Tridosasiddhanta.When this three sariric dosa(vata,pitta&kapha)&two manasik dosa(Rajas7Tamas)are well harmonized and function in a balance manner; it results in good nourishment and well being of the individual. This 5 dosa regulates sapta dhatu, tri Mala&Atma (Self), Indriya (Sense organ) &Mana (Mind).

Generally the body nourished by ahara and the disease is treated by Ausodha.The health is known by certain normal functions of the dosas in the body and disease is known by certain abnormal function of dosas in the body. If the symptom indicates the increased of dosa, we have to decrease it by giving drugs which are dissimilar to that dosa in its predominal panchabhautik constitution. If the dosa is decreased it is to be increased by giving substances having predominant panchabhautik constitution similar to that of the decreased dosa.Even through drug have got some active principle which they work and they have some other function too.Ayurveda propounds the principles of Rasa, Guna, Virya, Vipak, Karma&Probhava and attributes the action of a drug to any one of the rasa, guna, virya, vipak&probhava.

According to action of Ayurvedic drugs are classified into-
1. Substances(Dravya)
2. Six basic tastes(rasa)
3. Three post digestion/metabolism tests(vipak)
4. Two potency(Virya)
5. Specific action of the drug attributed to certain drugs or Pharmacological activity(Karma)
6. 41properties-Mainly 20physico-pharmacological properties (gurbadi gunas)& on the basis of which the drugs exist their effect.
In addition there is Therapeutics (Prabhava)

Dravya:-Dravya is described as substance used for formulation purpose. According to Ayurvedic theory, each &every component of the universe is Dravya &has medicinal utility. Drugs derived from herbs, minerals&animal sorce,all are Dravya.It is that where properties and actions are located with inherent relation and is the material cause of its effect.Charaka Samhita, the Ayurvedic classic has described Dravya to be the nucleus of Ayurvedic pharmacy. To sum up

o Dravya is an organized thing. Property of a substance can be changed but not the substance Ayurveda uses drug as a whole for therapeutic activity therefore it remains organized.
o Parameters like taste, property are present in the Dravya only. According to Ayurveda, a drug works on seven parameters and these have been provided to the Dravya naturally.It again provides the significance of Dravya.
o In preparing Ayurvedic poly-herbal drug, Dravya is main ingredient.Decoction, infusion&powders are prepared from drugs of natural source.

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